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Jan 3, 2014

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Ever since the Christmas break has started, my schedule has changed. I would sleep all day and would get up from bed when the sun has already set. I was surprised that my mom didn’t tell me anything about my sleeping pattern, though I guess she would’ve expected this one coming.

I was excited when my editor (I am part of our College’s publication staff) sent me the second draft of my book review article that I almost worked on it immediately. I might’ve written a paragraph because I just couldn't let the idea go away.

Perhaps it’s for the best that I should start doing my RC prelims project so that I wouldn't cram for the next two weeks, considering that our Preliminary Exams would take place on the third week of January. There are a lot of things to be done by this month, and I don’t know if I could keep up with it and everything that is happening to me both physically and mentally.


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It was indeed a blissful New Year’s Eve as we welcome the arrival of 2014. As always, it was also a double celebration because my Aunt was born on January 1. The simple celebration though took only for almost three hours, and was done around one o’clock in the morning.

Of course I didn't went to bed right after the celebration because my hands were itching to write/type something, and I just finished Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult (you could check my book review here) on the 31st of December, so I still need to type the book review for that one too before my mind completely forget about it.

I haven’t made a list yet of what would be my goals for this year, though I’m pretty sure that it would include a lot of reading and writing. I hope that this would be a good year because there’s a lot of things and events that I’m looking forward for this year.